Radiation Effects on Electronics, Radiation Design, Analysis and Testing

We provide engineering expertise in the design for immunity to space and other types of radiation including definition of the threat, prediction of threat levels, analysis of the effects on electronics and material performance, and determining design methods to mitigate or minimize impacts to spacecraft performance. We also actively monitor space environment and assist in the in-orbit anomaly investigations.We provide consulting services in all of these areas. We also have extensive experience in radiation testing of all types of integrated circuits, materials and full up electronic units. We routinely conduct tests at most electronic facilities around the country shown below.


We provide guidance to all aspects associated with radiation design, analysis and testing to insure that satellites and other systems meet long range mission requirements.

Basic design approach includes

  • Definition of radiation environment
  • Selection of radiation hardened semiconductor devices
  • Shielding of less radiation tolerant devices to levels at which performance ratings are satisfied
  • Customer / program defined minimum “shield-to” design margins for electronics
  • 3-Dimensional shielding analysis to account for all inherent shielding
  • Radiation tests on “high risk” parts without data